So I often find myself piggybacking friends who play too many alts, or just don't play as frequently. But my friends don't have two hours to play every day, and when they do, they don't wanna grind emissaries for it. I just do normal stuff and BAM, it's open. Me personally? It takes like two weeks to unlock flying.

I feel like it should be easier to obtain when flying -is- released. Like, imagine how non-threatening The Maw would be with flying.ĭespite being a fan of it. I'mma go drop down on chests and then fly away again. Tentacles everywhere, giant mobs running around- Oh wait, I clicked fly. Hell, even 8.3 felt super easy because of flying. Having it from the get-go trivialized content for every expansion we had it. Pathfinder makes the game more enjoyable. Right? I was looking forward to them being solo. No plans to allow players to solo island Expeditions in Shadowlands.īfA will be super done by 9.1 and beyond.

If the demand in there, they'll take a look at it. The dungeons are a lot of fun but it hasn't had as much broad appeal.No Time pressure to finish any Horrific Visions achievements or rewards that he knows of.Ion has clarified that "no plans" means they aren't sure: No plans to allow players to solo island Expeditions in Shadowlands.Probably no better UI for the 200 stable size coming in Shadowlands.They also don't want people to just be reserving a whole bunch of names.They look at how many people have a large number of characters, but recently they did make it possible to have all characters on each realm The 50 character limit is due to the database size that they have.They always want Crafted items to be meaningful but it's probably not going to be the best thing that you can get from Mythic raiding.They want to make all professions meaningful not just to the player and to the economy.Not necessarily an addon, but they've noticed an uptick in bot activity (more noticeable in WoW Classic).The Brutosaur might have been over the top.They want to make sure that there are some gold sinks for those who have accumulated wealth.You'll need to run Torghast to get your Legendaries.You'll set up your soulbind, choose a covenant.How much non-PvP content should PvPers need to do to be ready for the Arena? Appearances changes, pets and mounts may be part of the Weekly Chest.If there's a Conduit that's super beneficial from PvP, it'll probably come from PvP.Callings will have many options that you can do to progress your character.They want to expose players to a wide variety of content but they don't want to make people do things they don't want to do.Lapi Interview with Ion Hazzikostas - Weekly Loot, Covenant TuningĮssences from Content You Don't Normally Do.Tonton Interview with Ion Hazzikostas - Open World Lag, Swapping Covenants, PvP Power.HazelNuttyGames Interview with John Hight.Shadowlands Lore with Steve Danuser - Elune, Sylvanas, Calia.Highlights from Ion Hazzikostas Group Interview.Ion Hazzikostas - End-game Loot, Utility Legendaries, Droprates.Zones, Covenant Armor, and Customization with Ely Cannon.Warcraft Radio and Patrick Dawson Liveblog.Lordmons with Morgan Day - Pantheon of Death & Unlocking Legendary Powers.Kyrian Covenant Preview and Path of Ascension.Necrolord Covenant Preview and Abomination Stitching.Night Fae Covenant Preview and Queen's Conservatory.Venthyr Covenant Preview and Ember Court.Dangers of the Maw - Eye of the Jailer Levels.Covenant Sanctum Systems - Upgrades, Many Resources, Transportation Network.Sinfall Covenant Sanctum Environment Preview.No Bonus Experience from Heirlooms in Shadowlands.Pathfinder Based on Renown Instead of Reputation.New Class Animations on Character Selection Screen.Change Gender at the Barber Shop, No Longer a Paid Service.Rune Carving - Legendary Armor Crafting.Changing Covenants Should be Easy, Changing Back Should Be Hard.HazelNuttyGames is interviewing World of Warcraft Executive Producer John Hight on their Twitch stream and answering questions about Shadowlands! We'll be liveblogging the interview and summarizing important answers in this post.